Gothenburg Horse Show

The dream came true for Michiels


For 12 years, Domien Michels and his Intermezzo have been campaigning together. They have shared many firsts together and on Saturday night they took their first World Cup victory ever together in Gothenburg.

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Together with his black, statuesque horse Intermezzo van het Meerdaalhof, Domien Michels danced home the FEI World Cup Dressage freestyle victory for Belgium. It was the combination’s first visit to Gothenburg - and they enjoyed themselves immensely.

“Of course, my horse geared up in the ring with this fantastic crowd, but we managed to keep our focus”, Domien stated.

He and Intermezzo found each other when the gelding came to him to be trained and sold.

“We had a special bond from the beginning, and I asked the owner to keep him for further education and development. Now he will stay with me for the rest of his life.”

The combination has made its debut in the international Grand Prix together and has done both the European Championships, World Championships and Olympics. Now they also have a World Cup qualifier victory on their record.

“It really is a dream come true. I could never imagine this when I went here”

The best Swede in the starting field was Maria von Essen on the gelding Invoice.

“It feels completely crazy, completely unbelievable. This is a great experience for the future”, said a happy Maria von Essen after the award ceremony.

With her to Gothenburg, Maria, or Mia as she is called on a daily basis, had a large fan group from home.

“It's great fun that everyone who is involved in our day to day life can be here today.”

Maria bought Invoice from the Netherlands when he was 2.5 years old. The gelding is owned by Maria and her husband Alexander Bennergård. The future looks bright for the combination.

“I am very, very proud of my horse today”, said Maria.

In third place came the Spanish rider  Borja Carrascosa with Sir Hubert NRW, Borja is based in Germany since many years.

“ I am so happy with how he behaves inside the arena. My horse is becoming more and more relaxed in that environment”, said Borja Carrascosa.

With his third place in Gothenburg, Carrascosa has collected 45 points and is thus in eighth place ahead of the final World Cup qualifier in s-Hertogenbosch. Nine riders go to the World Cup Final in Riyadh from the Western European League.

“ I am ready to go if they ask me, right now, I am so happy. I never expected this outcome from this amazing event” said Carrascosa.

An almost full arena, some 12000 people watched and cheered the riders and gave a standing ovation during the lap of honour for the top-three riders.

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Quotes from Mixed Zone


Om Gothenburg Horse Show

Gothenburg Horse Show är en av världens ledande inomhustävlingar i ridsport och är ett evenemang som återkommer årligen. Sedan starten våren 1977 har över 3 miljoner hästälskare besökt evenemanget. Tävlingarna arrangeras av Got Event AB på uppdrag av FEI, det internationella ridsportförbundet, samt Svenska Ridsportförbundet. Vi samarbetar även med hästsportmässan EuroHorse i Svenska Mässan. Gothenburg Horse Show och EuroHorse arrangerar även gemensamt seminariedagen Hästföretagarforum. 

2024 års tävlingar genomförs 21-25 februari.

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Nylansering av Stiftelsen Göteborg Horse Show’s stipendium!5.3.2024 08:00:00 CET | Pressmeddelande

Sedan många år tillbaka har stiftelsen Göteborg Horse Show delat ut ca 300 000 SEK per år i stipendier till elitsatsande juniorer och unga ryttare. Tillsammans med Svenska Ridsportförbundet har stipendiater från ridsportens olika grenar valts ut för att tillsammans dela på summan. Senast stipendiet delades ut var sex av ridsportens grenar representerade bland stipendiaterna; hoppning, dressyr, para-dressyr, fälttävlan, voltige samt sportkörning.

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