SOS Alarm Sverige AB

​Swedish PSAP SOS Alarm investigates a new AI-based corona hotspot map


The Swedish PSAP SOS Alarm and the Danish company Corti has started a collaboration to investigate the possibility to create overviews, so called hotspots, of Covid-19. Corti has developed an AI function that detects 112 calls where Covid-19 can be suspected based on the patient’s symptoms.

Karta över Sverige där platser drabbat av covid pekas ut.
Screenshot of hotspots of covid-19 in Sweden. 11/6-2020 at 11.20.

Based on SOS Alarms data regarding suspected Covid-19 cases, a heatmap is created over geographical areas where developments can be monitored. The hope with the situation overview is to be able to follow the spread of the infection across areas and identify where its increasing and decreasing over a period of time.

The project is a part of the ongoing innovation work where SOS Alarm is investigating how data can be used for crisis preparedness and management, security services and a modernized emergency call management.

SOS Alarm is often the primary contact point that receives information when something is happening and therefore has the ability to see how Sweden is doing in real time. By using data in new ways, the ambition is to create a more effective crisis management that can benefit the whole society.

- We are in the initial phase of investigating if our data and Corti’s AI solutions can provide valuable information regarding the spread of Covid-19. We hope that the situation overview can provide quick information regarding where outbreaks happen and how these develop. Through the project, we want to learn more about how our data can be used in regard to new analyses and situations overviews in the event of social disturbances, says Maria Khorsand, CEO of SOS Alarm.

The AI analyses vast amounts of data through 112 calls. Suspected Covid-19 cases are then visible on an interactive map. Hotspots can be identified across the country, down to the area level, however, the solution cannot be used for tracing individual cases as no exact location of the patient is revealed.

- Situation overviews can be used both in crisis preparedness purposes and to plan interventions. If the results of our tests are positive, we see great opportunities to use the technology in other areas as well, such as a situation overview regarding the amount of seasonal forest fires and their spreading, says Maria Khorsand, CEO of SOS Alarm.

The purpose of the new system is to detect corona virus hotspots early. SOS Alarm has identified several areas of use for the situation overview, including crisis preparedness and resource planning within SOS Alarm’s own operations as well as in primary care, EMS and intra hospital care. The situation overview can also contribute with information to municipalities, regions, County Administrative Board and authorities so that they can act proactively in their work to reduce the spread of infection, for example through increased communication in specific areas where the system has detected several cases and the spread of the infection is greater. SOS Alarm also investigates how the system can be used in other events and crises in the society, such as outbreaks of seasonal influenza, major incidents or during forest fire season.

- During the pandemic, we have seen how important it is for emergency call centres and emergency medical services to have updated information regarding the spread of Covid-19. We hope that out collaboration with SOS Alarm can contribute to increased knowledge and analytical ability of the crises and in this way be able to prevent future potential crises, says Henrik Cullen, Head of Product at Corti.

SOS Alarm is already collaborating with Corti to implement AI support in the medical prioritization system that will be used to assess cases at the emergency number 112.       


SOS Alarm verkar för ett tryggare Sverige för alla

SOS Alarm har en unik verksamhet. Vi vet hur Sverige mår, i realtid. Dygnet runt, året om hanterar vi larm och koordinerar hjälpresurser vid olyckor, kriser och störningar. På uppdrag av svenska staten ansvarar vi för nödnumret 112 och har en central roll i samhällets krisberedskap.

Genom vår tillgång till lägesbilder, information, avancerad teknik och effektiva system kan vi erbjuda ett tjänsteutbud och ett helhetsperspektiv inom larmhantering som ingen annan har. I nära samverkan med våra kunder och partners stärker vi den svenska trygghetskedjan.

SOS Alarm ägs av oss alla gemensamt – genom staten och alla Sveriges kommuner och landsting. Tillsammans skapar vi ett tryggare Sverige för alla, nu och i framtiden.

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