Blue Cromos

Blue Cromos secures 1.3 million SEK from Sweden's Public Innovation Agency (Vinnova) to develop secure and simple handling of the EU digital product passports.


Blue Cromos is already a frontrunner in the development of infrastructure to handle the digital product passports the European Union plans to require in the upcoming years. The work has been done in collaboration primarily with GS1 and Ahlsell. Now, the company has secured 1.3 million SEK from the Swedish Public Innovation Agency to develop ProTrack together with the same partners. ProTrack will be a commercial service for secure and efficient handling of the digital product passports which will be required as a digital supplement to products sold within the Union. An implementation that makes GDPR look like a day in the park.

ProTrack focuses on building methods, systems and standards to automatically consolidate, validate and distribute the data for the digital product passports; to simplify the handling of the information throughout the entire supply chain. To leverage AI and blockchain to build a secure, flexible and efficient supply chain for digital product information, to supplement the conventional supply chain for physical products.

"To build this for the digital product passports is just the beginning", says Fredrik Malm, CEO of Blue Cromos, based in Malmö, Sweden, "but we see immense opportunities for business development through adding digital value to physical products. Only the imagination of business developers sets the limits", he finishes.

About Digital Product Passports

Starting in the near future, the European Union will require products sold within the Union to be accompanied by digital product passports containing information around environmental impact, repair and maintenance, recycling and responsible

manufacturing as well as certifications for eco friendliness and social responsibility. The requirements will be introduced gradually, industry by industry.

The details of exactly which data will be required are still being worked on but we can safely assume that they will pose major challenges for producers and retailers to obtain and verify the information as well as keeping it up-to-date and valid.

With ProTrack, Blue Cromos builds an automatic digital supply chain for product data, in parallel with the supply chain for physical products.



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