Kungliga Operan

Time to make the right decision about the renovation of the Royal Swedish Opera


The National Property Board (Statens Fastighetsverk, SFV) has now submitted its report regarding an upcoming renovation of the Opera House. In the report, two different renovation proposals are presented: the Pre-study and the Alternative. Only one of these proposals has the right conditions for the business and operation of the Royal Swedish Opera and its government mission as a national stage for opera and ballet – that proposal is called the Alternative.

Royal Swedish Opera
Royal Swedish Opera

“Now there are two proposals on the table. One puts the interest of the property owner first – one puts the Opera and our business in focus. For the Royal Swedish Opera, it goes without saying that the Alternative is the best alternative,” says Fredrik Lindgren, CEO of the Royal Swedish Opera.

Both of the proposals that SFV has now presented involve departures from the Royal Swedish Opera's set requirements and needs. This is mainly due to the fact that modern technology and standards require space, and that certain set requirements are very cost-driven. The Alternative, however, fulfills the requirements and needs of the business to a significantly greater extent than the Pre-study, and at the same time it entails greater development opportunities, which is why the Opera recommends that proposal.

“The proposal that the National Property Board calls the Pre-study means that the Opera will move the entire Royal Swedish Orchestra to Musikaliska. It will become a logistical nightmare to transport instruments and personnel back and forth all year round forever. It will also be more expensive in the long term,” says Fredrik Lindgren.

Crucial differences between the two proposals:

  • The Alternative makes it possible to keep the Royal Swedish Orchestra in the Opera House and thus keep the artistic activity together. The Pre-study requires that the entire Royal Swedish Orchestra move to Musikaliska Kvarteret, which means major logistical challenges, and also that the Royal Swedish Opera needs to pay rent for more premises and double costs for several service functions.
  • The Alternative includes three ballet halls that meet the needs of a world-class ballet company. In the Pre-study, the ballet does not get the full-sized halls that it needs.
  • The new second stage in the Alternative has almost twice as many audience seats as in the Pre-study, and it has an audience foyer that provides opportunities for increased revenue.
  • The Pre-study means that the Opera House remains closed to the Kungsträdgården, while the Alternative opens the house up to the park, in the way it was originally when the house was built. It increases accessibility and attractiveness, and recreates the connection between the park and the Opera House that has been lost.

“We need a solution to the renovation of the Royal Opera House that is sustainable and effective for many years to come for the business, the daily operation, the employees, the audience and the taxpayers. The Alternative means that we get everything under one roof — an organization and culture that holds together. That's how you build a business and create great art,” says Fredrik Lindgren.

Read more: The Future of the Opera House (operan.se)



Royal Swedish Opera
Royal Swedish Opera
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Fredrik Lindgren, CEO of Royal Swedish Opera. Photo: Markus Gårder
Fredrik Lindgren, CEO of Royal Swedish Opera. Photo: Markus Gårder
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About the Royal Swedish Opera

The Royal Swedish Opera is Sweden’s national theatre for opera and ballet, founded by  King Gustav III in 1773. The building at Gustav Adolfs torg, ringht by the Royal Castle, was constructed in 1895. The house presents everything from brand-new works to classical masterpieces. We respect tradition, while embracing the future – in our three main areas: opera, ballet, and activities for children and young people.

The Royal Swedish Opera is the home of the Royal Swedish Ballet, the country's only classical ballet company, lead by Paris Opera étoile Nicolas Le Riche. The house also is the home stage of The Royal Swedish Orchestra, founded in 1526 and lead by music director and Royal Court Kapellmeister Alan Gilbert.

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