Örebro University’s first specialist physicians are now contributing to national healthcare
Örebro University’s first medical students are now fully qualified specialist physicians. Many of them work in the Örebro region, strengthening local healthcare here. “Having the Medical Programme at Örebro University is of great importance for the long-term supply of doctors within our county,” says Maria Åkesson, HR Director at Region Örebro County.
“Although Örebro University’s first medical doctors graduated in 2016, it’s only now they’ve reached this stage in their careers – and all that having a specialist physician qualification implies. It’s impressive to see how they continue to develop in their profession,” says Anna-Karin Andershed, Pro-Vice-Chancellor at Örebro University.
Svante Hugosson, Head of the School of Medical Sciences at Örebro University, has been active from the start, helping establish the new Medical Programme in Örebro. He recalls when the first students took their seats in Bilbergska huset in January 2011.
“Of course, it was a thrilling time. Everyone was full of anticipation, and it felt incredibly gratifying that we had finally started after so many years of preparation.”
He describes a time characterized by collaboration.
“The students were our biggest supporters. They were all so keen on the programme’s success. They were never bothersome or crabby – quite the opposite. Our students were like a cheerleading squad and always came up with constructive suggestions. Naturally, we listened, understanding that their opinions were of great consequence,” says Svante Hugosson.
“Extra special being first”
Nina Pasanen, along with the brothers Bahram and Suliman Pazhman, belong to the historic first class of medical students at Örebro University. All three expressed great satisfaction with the programme and the support they received from the school and region’s operations during their medical training and later during their general medical service (AT) and specialist training (ST).
“I can’t imagine a more satisfying job – every day, I learn something new,” says Nina Pasanen, a general practitioner about to head up her first health centre – in Karlskoga, just west of Örebro.
Bahram Pazhman is an orthopaedic specialist, while Suliman Pazhman is a specialist in neurology. Both work at Örebro University Hospital (USÖ).
“It’s been extra special being first. We’ve got to know many new colleagues at different clinics along the way. It’s always felt comradely and right at home as we’ve taken steps further along in our careers. We’ve always felt welcome wherever we worked. While it’s been exciting, and we’ve always felt confident along the way, it has been a challenging journey,” says Bahram Pazhman.
Contributing to the care in the region – and around Sweden
Mia von Euler, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health at Örebro University, is proud that doctors from the inaugural cohort are now progressing to fully qualified specialists and contributing to care in Region Örebro and other regions around Sweden.
“We also see former students who now, as specialists, participate in educating new medical students. It’s tremendous to see what fine efforts they’re contributing to healthcare, education, and research,” she says.
Medical Programme at Örebro University – in numbers
- So far, over 820 students have completed the Medical Programme at Örebro University.
- More than 400 medical licenses have been issued to individuals with a degree from Örebro University, according to the National Board of Health and Welfare.
- Three out of ten who have obtained their medical degree at Örebro University work in Region Örebro County. The largest group is employed as resident physicians. The five most common medical specialities are general medicine (27), internal medicine (13), anaesthesia and intensive care (8), psychiatry (7), and orthopaedics (7).
Historical timeline: Programme in Medicine at Örebro University
April 2010: The Swedish Higher Education Authority grants Örebro University approval to start a medical programme. Örebro finally succeeded after its third application.
January 2011: The first class of about 70 students begins the Medical Programme in Örebro.
February 2014: Campus USÖ is inaugurated, Örebro University’s research and educational facility for medical students and researchers, located adjacent to the University Hospital in Örebro.
June 2016: Graduation is held for the inaugural cohort of 43 medical students.
November 2020: Örebro University receives accreditation for a six-year medical programme.
2021: The Medical Programme at Örebro University celebrates its tenth anniversary. The first students begin the new, six-year Medical Programme
2023–24: Örebro University’s first medical students are now fully qualified specialist physicians.
Anna Lorentzon
Tel:019 302118Tel:0737 621943anna.lorentzon@oru.seAlternative languages
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