Investigate the cost of the EU's green transition
Europe is losing ground relative to the rest of the world: since the turn of the millennium, real disposable income has grown nearly twice as much in the US as in the EU. At the same time, the Commission is pursuing a green transition policy that could be devastating for the union's growth—without the costs having been investigated.

The EU's economy is stagnating while the EU Commission has placed climate issues at the top of the political agenda. This has occurred without calculating the cost for businesses and consumers to achieve "net-zero" within 25 years.
"The EU has never conducted a cost-benefit analysis of its green policy. Once you hear how much it is going to cost and how little it is going to help, most people don't want to pay," says Danish author Bjørn Lomborg about the EU's climate initiatives.
In episode 4 of The Fall of Europe?, Henrik Jönsson discusses the future of European competitiveness. Alongside Danish author Bjørn Lomborg, he interviews Sweden Democrats' EU Parliament member Charlie Weimers and Associate Professor Christian Sandström.
About the series
Episodes are released on the YouTube channel Fall of Europe every Wednesday at 6:00 PM. In ten episodes, Swedish YouTuber Henrik Jönsson travels to Brussels for a candid and honest examination of the consequences of EU policies for growth, employment, and security policy.
“The Fall of Europe?” is EPHI and Henrik Jönsson's first initiative for an English-speaking audience and the second collaboration following the successful production of the Swedish talk show 100%. In the series, Jönsson interviews well-known thinkers and politicians. The executive producer is Marie Söderqvist, CEO of EPHI.
Marie Söderqvist100%
Tel:+46 707240971marie.soderqvist@ephi.seBilder

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