31 träffarCostume

Kungliga Operan

Eatnama váibmu: Opera in Northern Sámi brings nature and language to life on stage4.2.2025 09:01:54 CET | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande

As the first stage in Europe, the Royal Swedish Opera presents a work written and performed in Northern Sámi this upcoming autumn season. Eatnama váibmu (The Heart of the Earth, in Northern Sámi) is a new opera created by librettist Rawdna Carita Eira and composer Britta Byström, directed by Elle Márjá Eira, who directed the film Stöld (Theft) recently released on Netflix. The story of Eatnama váibmu is based on the Sámi creation story with its current theme of good and evil, and interaction with nature. Premiere on the Royal Swedish Opera's Main stage on November 15.
Bukowski Auktioner AB

BONHAMS STRENGTHENS NORDIC BUSINESS AND COLLABORATION29.4.2024 12:30:00 CEST | Bukowski Auktioner AB | Pressmeddelande

London - Bonhams has appointed Louise Arén as CEO of Bonhams Nordics in a move to further strengthen the Nordic business and collaboration between Bukowskis, based in Stockholm and Helsinki, and Bruun Rasmussen based in Copenhagen. The two auction houses were acquired by Bonhams in 2022, and closer ties between Bukowskis and Bruun Rasmussen come after two years of successful integration with the Bonhams Network and is a continuation of Bonhams’ European expansion strategy and digital focus.
Kungliga Operan

Gustavia – the story of the unknown prince of Sweden25.3.2024 15:15:06 CET | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande

A new classical ballet depicting the life of Gustav Badin at the Swedish Royal Court, choreographed by Pär Isberg and directed by Amir Chamdin. Gustavia depicts the story, unknown to many Swedes, of two boys growing up at the same time at the Swedish Royal Court; the future king, Gustav III, and his adopted brother, Gustav Badin. Originally named Kwasi/Couschi, he is enslaved on the Danish colony of Saint Croix in the West Indies and then brought to Sweden as a gift to Queen Lovisa Ulrika. A social experiment that challenges society's norms takes place, where the two boys are raised together, but in completely different ways. One born prince, the other adopted into the royal family. World premiere at the Royal Swedish Opera on October 18. Tickets on sale May 2.
Kungliga Operan

World premiere and much awaited renewal on stage together: Timulak/Portner by the Royal Swedish Ballet6.2.2024 12:36:06 CET | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande

A strong relationship between scenography and choreography is the common denominator for the two modern works Bathtub Ballet and Totality in parts. Emma Portner – one of the dance world's most acclaimed choreographers today – takes over the Royal Swedish Opera's main stage together with 25 bathtubs and seven dancers. "For both me and many of the dancers, this piece is the biggest challenge of our careers so far," says Emma Portner.
Kungliga Operan

World premiere of Melancholia, a groundbreaking opera experience on the road to a comforting doom6.10.2023 11:49:45 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande

Based on Lars von Trier's blockbuster film, created by composer Mikael Karlsson and librettist Royce Vavrek. With great international voices in the lead roles, a complex and innovative soundscape is presented with beats, synthesizers and surround sound in symbiosis with the acoustic universe of the Royal Swedish Orchestra. A genre-defying opera experience that, despite its serious undertone, also has elements of humour and consolation. Melancholia will have its world premiere on the Royal Swedish Opera's Main Stage on October 21, at 15.00.
Kungliga Operan

The Royal Swedish Opera in unique collaboration with designer Louise Xin and Borås Textile Fashion Center21.4.2023 15:27:41 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Press Release

Opera and ballet costumes will get a second life in the hands of Louise Xin, designer and fashion activist working for a sustainable fashion industry. Together with fashion students from the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås, unique couture garments are now being created from the Royal Swedish Opera's costume archive, which will be sold in the autumn to benefit the Young Opera Fund, the Royal Swedish Opera's activities for children and young people.
Kungliga Operan

Get ready for a world premiere, passionate ballet and sparkling New Year's masquerade – an autumn with a twist at the Royal Swedish Opera13.4.2023 11:09:40 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Press Release

The 250th anniversary celebrations continue at the Royal Swedish Opera! We are looking forward to a magnificent autumn season with strong emotions, great voices and, not least, the world premiere of the opera Melancholia by Mikael Karlsson, the premiere of the ballet Le Corsaire and the opera Don Giovanni as well as a number of long-awaited revivals. Tickets for all autumn performances are available now. In September we will also release the tickets for the party of the Century: the New Year's Masquerade in the Opera House.

Spring 2023 at Dramaten, featuring Ahmed El Attar, Nina Wähä and Niki Tsappos9.11.2022 15:55:52 CET | Dramaten | Press Release

The author Nina Wähä and the playwright Ahmed El Attar have both written new plays for Dramaten. Klaus Mann’s Mefisto, directed by Natalie Ringler, opens on the Main Stage, and Thomas Ostermeier produces the monologue Vox humana. Choreographer Niki Tsappos explores rhythm in a new dance performance for Unga Dramaten. Also, classics such as Chekhov’s Körsbärsträdgården (The Cherry Orchard) in the hands of director Michael Thalheimer, and Shakespeare’s Stormen (The Tempest) in a new, improved version by Staffan Valdemar Holm. Today, Mattias Andersson, director and artistic director of Dramaten, and the actor Electra Hallman presented the spring repertoire.
Kungliga Operan

The Royal Swedish Opera celebrates 250 years with a twist throughout 202324.10.2022 12:00:00 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande

The National Stage of Opera and Ballet celebrates its 250th anniversary in grand. On January 18, an Anniversary Gala is held and the year is then rounded off on New Year's Eve with a large Masquerade Ball. In between, a repertoire that unites past, present and future and, among many other things, houses the world premiere of Melancholia – a new operatic interpretation of Lars Von Trier's film. Tickets for SEK 250 will be available for productions throughout the anniversary year and this summer the audience will be invited to a record-breaking sale of costumes.

World premiere for play based on novels by Booker Prize winner Ben Okri at The Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm, Sweden15.3.2022 15:00:46 CET | Dramaten | Pressmeddelande

The collaboration between The National Black Theater of Sweden and The Royal Dramatic Theatre continues with the play Den omättliga vägen (The Famished Road). Two of Ben Okri's acclaimed novels have been dramatized by British-Nigerian playwright Oladipo Agboluaje for the main stage at The Royal Dramatic Theatre. According to Okri, The Famished Road is a story about Africa's resilience, beauty, generosity and its shortcomings and tragedy. The world premiere will be April 13.
Kungliga Operan

The Promise (Löftet) - a love story in the shadow of the Holocaust17.1.2022 17:13:28 CET | Kungliga Operan | Press Release

The promise (Löftet) is a story of the invincible power of love and the darkest corners of humanity. The work was created directly for the Royal Swedish Opera and at the premiere, which takes place on 27 January at 7 pm, on Holocaust Remembrance Day, it will be performed on four stages at the same time: The Royal Swedish Opera's main stage and broadcast live via Operan Play, OperaVision and live on cinema at Folkets Hus och Parker.

South African multi artist William Kentridge at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm2.9.2020 09:02:26 CEST | Dramaten | Pressmeddelande

It has been confirmed, that the South African artist William Kentridge’s double bill SIBYL will be performed at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm, Sweden 10-11 April in 2021. Starting with a world premier of the 22-minute film with live score The Moment Has Gone and concluding with his 42 minute chamber opera Waiting for the Sibyl, this is a singular program of Kentridge’s work never before seen together. In connection with his visit, William Kentridge will also give a Performance Lecture on his artistic practice. The guest performance is part of the new format for the Bergman Festival and tickets will be released in the autumn of 2020.
Film i Väst - Your Scandinavian Partner in Co-Productions

Ruben Östlund’s Triangle of Sadness lines up ensemble cast led by Harris Dickinson, Charlbi Dean and Woody Harrelson4.2.2020 16:10:57 CET | Film i Väst - Your Scandinavian Partner in Co-Productions | Press Release

Today the international cast of Ruben Östlund’s new film Triangle of Sadness has been announced. The international ensemble is led by rising stars Harris Dickinson and Charlbi Dean together with three-time Oscar nominated Woody Harrelson. The film is an epic satire set against the world of fashion and the uber-rich. Production will start on February 19 in Gotheburg and Trollhättan in Sweden followed by shootings on a yacht on the Adriatic Sea and in Greece. The film is expected to premiere in 2021 and SF Studios will handle Nordic distribution. The film is produced by Erik Hemmendorff, Plattform Produktion and Philippe Bober, Coproduction Office, in co-production with Film i Väst among others.
Moment Group

Kultfilmen "Häxorna i Eastwick" blir musikal på Cirkus med Peter Jöback i huvudrollen!14.3.2019 11:31:20 CET | Moment Group | Pressmeddelande

”The Witches of Eastwick” är romanen av John Updike som på 80-talet filmatiserades och blev till en av decenniets största kultfilmer med samma namn. Berättelsen stöptes om till musikal och sattes för första gången upp på Londons West End. Vi kan nu stolt presentera ”Häxorna i Eastwick” på Cirkus i höst som är något alldeles unikt i dess slag, aldrig tidigare har denna prisbelönta musikal gjorts i Sverige. Premiären är den 19 september på Cirkus i Stockholm.
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