7 träffarRoyal Swedish Opera 250

Kungliga Operan

World premiere of Melancholia, a groundbreaking opera experience on the road to a comforting doom6.10.2023 11:49:45 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande

Based on Lars von Trier's blockbuster film, created by composer Mikael Karlsson and librettist Royce Vavrek. With great international voices in the lead roles, a complex and innovative soundscape is presented with beats, synthesizers and surround sound in symbiosis with the acoustic universe of the Royal Swedish Orchestra. A genre-defying opera experience that, despite its serious undertone, also has elements of humour and consolation. Melancholia will have its world premiere on the Royal Swedish Opera's Main Stage on October 21, at 15.00.
Kungliga Operan

The Royal Swedish Opera in unique collaboration with designer Louise Xin and Borås Textile Fashion Center21.4.2023 15:27:41 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Press Release

Opera and ballet costumes will get a second life in the hands of Louise Xin, designer and fashion activist working for a sustainable fashion industry. Together with fashion students from the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås, unique couture garments are now being created from the Royal Swedish Opera's costume archive, which will be sold in the autumn to benefit the Young Opera Fund, the Royal Swedish Opera's activities for children and young people.
Kungliga Operan

Get ready for a world premiere, passionate ballet and sparkling New Year's masquerade – an autumn with a twist at the Royal Swedish Opera13.4.2023 11:09:40 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Press Release

The 250th anniversary celebrations continue at the Royal Swedish Opera! We are looking forward to a magnificent autumn season with strong emotions, great voices and, not least, the world premiere of the opera Melancholia by Mikael Karlsson, the premiere of the ballet Le Corsaire and the opera Don Giovanni as well as a number of long-awaited revivals. Tickets for all autumn performances are available now. In September we will also release the tickets for the party of the Century: the New Year's Masquerade in the Opera House.
Kungliga Operan

The Royal Swedish Opera celebrates 250 years with a twist throughout 202324.10.2022 12:00:00 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande

The National Stage of Opera and Ballet celebrates its 250th anniversary in grand. On January 18, an Anniversary Gala is held and the year is then rounded off on New Year's Eve with a large Masquerade Ball. In between, a repertoire that unites past, present and future and, among many other things, houses the world premiere of Melancholia – a new operatic interpretation of Lars Von Trier's film. Tickets for SEK 250 will be available for productions throughout the anniversary year and this summer the audience will be invited to a record-breaking sale of costumes.
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