Kungliga Operan

World premiere and much awaited renewal on stage together: Timulak/Portner by the Royal Swedish Ballet


A strong relationship between scenography and choreography is the common denominator for the two modern works Bathtub Ballet and Totality in parts. Emma Portner – one of the dance world's most acclaimed choreographers today – takes over the Royal Swedish Opera's main stage together with 25 bathtubs and seven dancers. "For both me and many of the dancers, this piece is the biggest challenge of our careers so far," says Emma Portner.

Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.

Emma Portner is one of today's most recognized choreographers since she became the youngest woman ever to choreograph a musical on London's West End. Her dance work has been internationally distributed, and she has also worked with artists such as Emma Watson, Maggie Rogers and Justin Bieber.

»For both me and many of the dancers, this piece is the biggest challenge of our careers so far. For the first two weeks of rehearsals, everyone walked around with big bruises from the sharp edges of the bathtubs. The dancers' arms are also subjected to great stress when they lower themselves into the tubs. After ten weeks of rehearsals, the bathtubs have become one with us and it's strange to walk into a studio without them and the boundaries they create,« says Emma Portner.

»Almost all people have some association with water or bathing. At the beginning of Bathtub Ballet, we treated the bathtubs like regular bathtubs, ones we all love and know, but little by little the view of them is distorted so that at the end of the show you don't think about bathtubs at all. In a way, my ballet is an ode to William Forsythe's One Flat Thing, a choreography that takes place around and on some twenty tables, treated as anything but ordinary kitchen tables.«

Totality in parts received a lot of attention when it was premiered at the Royal Swedish Opera as part of the performance Trinity in 2018. The piece was created by Slovak choreographer Lukáš Timulak in collaboration with set designer Peter Biľak and to music by Oscar-winner Volker Bertelmann (»Hauschka«). Since the world premiere of Totality in Parts, Timulak/Bil'ak has created Darkness – Light – Darkness at the Lyon Opera in 2022, which together with Totality in Parts and Hidden Order (National Theatre in Brno 2018) completes a trilogy that examines the patterns surrounding the visible and invisible worlds.

Timulak/Portner is perfomed on The Royal Swedish Opera's Main Stage from Feb 9 until March 2.



MUSIC: Volker Bertelmann (Hauschka)


COSTUME: Annemarije van Harten

LIGHTING: Tom Visser



MUSIC: Max Richter


SCENOGRAPHY: Emma Portner, Eric Chad

COSTUME: Bregje van Balen



The Royal Swedish Ballet



Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
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Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
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Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
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Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
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Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
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Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
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Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
Bathtub Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Emma Portner. Photo Royal Swedish Opera/ Nils Emil Nylander
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Totality in parts.Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
Totality in parts.Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
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Totality in parts.Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
Totality in parts.Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
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Totality in parts.Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
Totality in parts.Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
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Totality in parts.Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
Totality in parts.Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
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Totality in parts. Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Solo Zane Smith-Taylor. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
Totality in parts. Royal Swedish Ballet 2024. Choreographer Lukas Timulak. Solo Zane Smith-Taylor. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Nils Emil Nylander
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The Royal Swedish Ballet is one of the world’s oldest ballet companies. It was founded in 1773 by King Gustav III. It is Sweden’s largest dance company with the task of curating and developing classical ballet as well as contemporary, innovative works.

»The spring 2024, we both open and end with two Swedish audience favourites that are not only deeply rooted in the Swedish tradition, but they were also written especially for the Royal Swedish Ballet« , says Nicolas Le Riche,
Artistic Director, the Royal Swedish Ballet.

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