SS&C Blue Prism

Case Study: Nordea Simplifies Card Requests with Chatbot Powered by Intelligent Automation


Imagine the level of change that has occurred in banking over the last two hundred years. Nordea knows this transformation firsthand. Headquartered in Finland, today Nordea employs 30,000 to serve its 10 million customers. But having successfully navigated two centuries of change, acquiring over 300 banks along the way, Nordea was laboring under an exceedingly complex infrastructure. To remain competitive, they had to simplify and innovate. Their solution? A chatbot powered by intelligent automation.

Every bank Nordea’s size handles a high volume of customer requests and interactions. And for Nordea, a common one was a card request. Customers can request a new card for any number of reasons, but until now the process of receiving those requests and actioning the new cards was handled by the customer center. Not only was this process inefficient, but it meant that customers had to contact the call center directly, placing a further and unnecessary burden on resources.

"Chatbot is now considered to be one of our channels for the contact center. It is used more extensively as a communication channel, and we can engage different robots to work on different processes."
Prze Jarosz, Head of Automation Solutions, Robotics IT


Nordea knew there had to be a better way to receive and action card requests. And their solution was nothing short of innovative. Instead of sending people to the customer center, they directed them to a mobile application with a built-in chatbot. Here people could make their card requests online. However, the information received by the chatbot was not always text-based, which meant the bank systems couldn’t read it. That is, until Nordea deployed Blue Prism intelligent automation. The result? The entire card request process has been automated, end-to-end. Not only has this relieved resource pressure on the customer center, but it’s turned the mobile app and chatbot into an entirely new communication channel for the bank.




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SS&C Blue Prism tillhandahåller ledande intelligent automatiseringsteknik i både privat och offentlig sektor i Sverige samt övriga världen. Vi ger kunderna möjlighet till nytänkande i hur mänskligt arbete utförs tillsammans med en säker, skalbar och smart digital arbetsstyrka vid deras sida. Digital arbetskraft ökar effektiviteten, minskar driftskostnader och frigör samtidigt tusentals arbetstimmar för personalen så de istället kan fokusera på de saker som betyder mest. 

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