SS&C Blue Prism

Case Study: Digital Workers Help Nuuday Insource Invoice Automation


Danish telecommunications provider, Nuuday, strives to deliver the best digital services and customer experience to its 5.9 million customers. They’re not afraid to challenge the status quo — and they use technology to do it. When they realized that outsourcing some of their financial services had ceased to benefit the company, they brought the work and, most importantly, the knowledge back to Denmark. To ease the transition, they turned to their team of SS&C Blue Prism digital workers.

When a customer enters an incorrect item in an invoice, it causes headaches for the team at Nuuday charged with resolving these issues. First, the customer must be identified. Once that is done Nuuday has to figure out which invoice the customer was trying to pay. The task is made more difficult because Nuuday has five different billing systems, the result of multiple acquisitions. Each one must be checked to find the correct customer information. This arduous, time-consuming task was outsourced to a third party ten years ago. But the outsourcing relationship had challenges of its own. Employees in Denmark often had to engage in multiple back-and-forth communications before resolving a simple issue, opening the door to miscommunication and error. Nuuday wanted to simplify the process for employees and customers by bringing the work back in-house but didn’t want to burden Danish staff with the manual work of automating invoices.


The team at Nuuday tasked a team of SS&C Blue Prism digital workers to log into five different billing systems and move any incorrect payments into a central repository. Digital workers then log into the central system, open a customer invoice and determine the missing information by checking for past invoices that match. Once checks are complete, the digital workers credit the customer’s account with the correct amount. The issue is resolved without the customer making a single phone call to Nuuday.

Bringing this work back to Denmark has allowed the company to save costs — 1.8 million DKK on this process alone. Issues with invoices are resolved quickly and accurately. In the past year, the digital workers have handled 100,000 cases. Digital workers handle 80% of end-to-end invoice automation without assistance from employees. For the remaining 20%, they can suggest a solution. Employees confirm the suggestion is correct, and the digital worker resolves the case.

In just three years, they’ve insourced 80 employees and saved millions of Danish Krone which are helping the company remain competitive. And the benefits don’t stop there. Nuuday is regaining knowledge and has gained greater visibility around the processes. Once the insourcing is complete, Nuuday will continue to review and improve the efficiency of its back-office processes and focus on creating automated end-to-end processes.

"One of the greatest benefits of this insourcing project has been getting the knowledge back in-house. Our employees can focus on refining the processes while the digital workers take on the manual tasks.”
Nina Winther JensenHead of Business Process Management




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SS&C Blue Prism tillhandahåller ledande intelligent automatiseringsteknik i både privat och offentlig sektor i Sverige samt övriga världen. Vi ger kunderna möjlighet till nytänkande i hur mänskligt arbete utförs tillsammans med en säker, skalbar och smart digital arbetsstyrka vid deras sida. Digital arbetskraft ökar effektiviteten, minskar driftskostnader och frigör samtidigt tusentals arbetstimmar för personalen så de istället kan fokusera på de saker som betyder mest. 

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