Urgent Call to Action on New Nicotine products ahead of the European Parliament Elections
As the European elections draw near, we, A Non Smoking Generation, alongside the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, are compelled to address a pressing issue regarding the proliferation of new nicotine products across the continent. Therefore, we are launching an information campaign targeting all EU citizens, while simultaneously demanding all candidates to the European Parliament elections to pledge swift and adequate measures to protect the next generation from harmful nicotine addiction.
For over four decades, A Non Smoking Generation has tirelessly championed the cause of a tobacco-free Sweden. Our experiences underscore the vital role of knowledge dissemination, robust legislation, and taxation in curbing tobacco use. However, recent developments have posed unprecedented challenges.
The tobacco industry's introduction of white snus, commonly marketed as nicotine pouches, in 2016 has initiated a concerning trend among Swedish youth. Despite claims to the contrary, these products have not served as smoking cessation aids but rather as conduits to nicotine addiction. Leveraging deceptive tactics such as candy-like flavors, sleek packaging, and influencer marketing on social media, the industry has circumvented existing tobacco regulations with impunity. Consequently, six out of ten Swedish high school students have experimented with vaping and every other high school student have tried nicotine pouches. At the same time, the proportion of smokers among adolescents has also increased significantly. Between the years 2021 and 2023, the percentage of smoking high school students rose from 17 percent to 21 percent. This clearly contradicts the tobacco industry's claims that snus reduces the prevalence of smoking.
This alarming reality underscores the urgent need for decisive action from European policymakers. While commendable efforts such as Europe's Beating Cancer Plan aim for a tobacco-free generation by 2040, the execution of crucial tobacco control measures remains inadequate. Despite the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Article 5.2 mandate to prevent nicotine addiction, the current regulatory landscape falls short.
Therefore, we urge all candidates to the European Parliament elections to heed the WHO's recommendations and prioritize the protection of youth from all forms of nicotine addiction. Specifically, we call for stringent regulations and taxation on all new nicotine products, unless classified as pharmaceuticals. It is imperative to prioritize children's health over the tobacco industry's profits.
We extend our gratitude for your attention to this urgent matter and anticipate collaborative efforts towards safeguarding the well-being of our younger generations.
For further information or additional materials, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Open letter to the European Parliament candidates from all 27 European Union Member States: https://ensp.network/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Draft-letter-to-candidates_ENSP_NSG_060524-1.pdf
- More information about the campaign: https://ensp.network/european-union-elections-time-to-stand-for-a-tobacco-and-nicotine-free-eu/
- More information about the dangers of nicotine: https://nonsmoking.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/handout-madrid-2023.pdf
A Non Smoking Generation, Sweden: Helen Stjerna, Secretary General
Phone: +46 733 393 644
Email: helen@nonsmoking.se
European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention: Cornel Radu-Loghin, Secretary General
Phone: + 32 470 965 640
Email: cornel.radu@ensp.org
Stiftelsen A Non Smoking Generation har sedan 1979 verkat för att barn och ungdomar själva ska välja att inte börja använda tobak. Organisationen arbetar aktivt för att begränsa tobakens plats i samhället och skapa skyddande miljöer för barn och ungdomar.
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