Swedish Forest Industries

Swedish Forest Industries calls on new European Commission to focus on competitiveness and a sustainable climate transition


The Swedish Forest Industries Federation (SFIF) welcomes the newly elected European Commission, which was approved earlier today by the European Parliament.

Photo: Björn Leijon /The Swedish Forest Industries Federation

SFIF looks forward to making a constructive contribution to the new EU mandate period. In the coming years, EU policies must focus on promoting competitiveness while ensuring a sustainable climate transition and acknowledging the key role of substitution effects in cutting Europe’s dependency on fossil raw materials.  

"It is very positive that a new European Commission is now in place. I would like to congratulate President Ursula von der Leyen and the newly appointed Commissioners. It is crucial that the ambitions of the European Green Deal are upheld and complemented by policies that enhance competitiveness and simplify regulations. By actively promoting a sustainable bioeconomy, it is possible to accelerate the climate transition and achieve the EU's climate goals," says Viveka Beckeman, SFIF Director General. 

On Wednesday, the new European Commission was approved by the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The new Commission's mandate extends until 2029. The incoming Commission's priorities were outlined by President von der Leyen earlier this year. These include attracting investment, phasing out fossil fuels, focusing on research and innovation, and strengthening EU competitiveness. The SFIF sees feasibility and balance in the regulatory environment, and constructive dialogue between the EU decision-makers, industry, and other stakeholders as essential principles in these efforts. 

"The SFIF looks forward to co-operating with the new Commission. Climate, circularity, and sustainably managed forests are key issues for the EU, in which our industry plays a crucial role. Together, we can contribute to a competitive and climate-neutral EU that is well-prepared for the future," says Beckeman. 

The SFIF urges the Commission to prioritise policies that create conditions for the climate transition and improve competitiveness, while strengthening the resilience of the EU for the long term. A reliable supply of sustainable forest raw materials is necessary to achieve this. 




Photo: Mostphotos
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Photo: Björn Leijon /The Swedish Forest Industries Federation
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