Swedish Forest Industries

A positive agreement on the EU Deforestation Regulation


The Swedish Forest Industries Federation (SFIF) welcomes the agreement by the European Parliament and the Council to postpone the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). The delay is a necessary step and provides an opportunity to urgently clarify remaining questions, to ensure effective and clear implementation.

Photo: Mostphotos

 "It is positive that the EU institutions have agreed on a postponement of the deforestation regulation. This agreement offers a much-needed pause to address remaining uncertainties, which must be resolved swiftly to ensure practical and effective application. Moving forward, it is crucial that the process is characterised by clarity and collaboration," says Viveka Beckeman, Director General of SFIF. 

SFIF supports the regulation's overarching aim of preventing deforestation and forest degradation. However, the industry has consistently emphasised the infeasibility of implementing the regulation by the end of the year. There has also been significant criticism from European businesses, as well as countries and trading partners around the world. SFIF emphasises that requirements imposed on companies need to be proportionate and provide predictability, to ensure that the regulation’s intentions can be fulfilled effectively. 

 "We hope this agreement signals the beginning of enhanced dialogue with the actors concerned. Collaboration is essential to crafting legislation that effectively addresses deforestation at its source while preserving the competitiveness of sustainable forest industries", says Viveka Beckeman.




Photo: Mostphotos
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Photo: Björn Leijon /The Swedish Forest Industries Federation
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About SFIF

The Swedish Forest Industries Federation represents companies that refine wood into fossil-free and renewable materials and products. Our mission is to improve the competitiveness of the industry and encourage greater use of forest products and enabling the green transition.

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