Schibsted Media agrees to acquire TV4 in Sweden and MTV in Finland from Telia Company
Schibsted Media has entered into an agreement to acquire Telia Company’s TV & Media business (TVM), consisting of TV4 in Sweden and MTV in Finland. By agreeing to acquire two of the most popular TV brands in Sweden and Finland, Schibsted Media reaffirms its commitment to investing in independent journalism, high-quality content and attractive media products across the Nordics.

“TV4 and MTV are trusted and independent news providers and national cornerstones for the protection of democratic values, as well as being known for their high quality entertainment and drama production. In this context, Schibsted Media stands as an ideal long-term owner. With the backing of the Tinius Trust, Schibsted Media is dedicated to preserving and strengthening TV4 and MTV as reliable and independent media providers,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes, CEO of Schibsted Media.
Complementary positions in Sweden
Together with Schibsted Media’s digital media brands — Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Omni and Podme — TV4 holds a strong and complementary position within news, sports, and entertainment across all media platforms in Sweden.
“Since Aftonbladet became part of Schibsted in 1996, we have been dedicated to Sweden, making this a truly historic day for us. As competition in the media market intensifies, building complete and nationally rooted media positions with scale and investment capacity is more important than ever to safeguard editorial independence. This agreement marks a significant step towards forming a leading Nordic media destination with strong independent brands,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes.
Step-change in Finland
In Finland, the agreement to acquire MTV represents a step-change for Schibsted Media, which is already present with the podcast platform Podme.
“MTV’s strong position in the Finnish market and attractive brands fit perfectly with our ambitions, and we look forward to supporting MTV’s leading position within both news, sports, drama and entertainment into the future,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes.
Building positions together
Schibsted Media and TVM will seek opportunities to explore complementary strengths and create positions together within personalisation, advertising, content rights and subscription models — attractive to users and advertisers alike.
“Our priority is to focus on what Telia does best – providing world-class connectivity on which millions of people rely every day – and this agreement clearly reflects that. We have an opportunity to secure a new home for TV & Media with a long-term Nordic owner that can further develop the business while maintaining its editorial independence. Thanks to a multi-year distribution partnership, we will continue offering TV4 and MTV’s content as part of the attractive line-up that has helped make Telia’s TV customers the most satisfied in Sweden for nine of the past 10 years,” says Patrik Hofbauer, Telia Company President and CEO.
Support from the Tinius Trust
The owner of Schibsted Media, The Tinius Trust, fully supports the transaction.
“It is extremely important to further strengthen Schibsted Media’s portfolio, not the least in the context of the pressure towards democracy and freedom of speech we are currently witnessing,” says Board Chair of Schibsted Media and CEO of the Tinus Trust, Kjersti Løken Stavrum.
The agreement between Schibsted Media and Telia Company implies an enterprise value of TVM of SEK 6.55 billion on a cash and debt-free basis.
In 2024 TVM had external revenues of SEK 8.16 billion, and an adjusted EBITDA of SEK 313 million. The entity had approx. 887,000 subscribers at the end of 2024, a growth of 13 percent since the end of 2023. Measured by time spent and share of audience, TV4 is the most popular TV channel in Sweden (source: MMS).
The transaction is anticipated to close in Q3 2025 at the latest, subject to customary regulatory approvals.
Time: Tuesday 25 February 2025, from 07:00 CET
Location: TV4, Tegeluddsvägen 3-5, Stockholm (alternatively via call or VC)
Participants: Siv Juvik Tveitnes (CEO, Schibsted Media), Patrik Hofbauer (CEO, Telia AB), Mathias Berg (CEO, TVM), Kjersti Løken Stavrum (Board Chair, Schibsted Media and CEO, Tinius Trust), Fredric Karén (EVP Sweden, Schibsted Media)
Contact person Sweden and Finland:
Petter Ovander, Communications Manager Schibsted Media Sweden:
Phone: +46 70 268 26 64
Contact person Norway and Finland:
Øyvind Vormeland Salte, Director Strategic Communications Schibsted Media
Phone: + 47 99 23 90 21
About Schibsted Media
Schibsted Media ( is home to some of the Nordics' strongest media brands, including VG, Aftonbladet, Aftenposten, Svenska Dagbladet, E24, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Omni and Podme. Nearly seven million people rely on our editor-driven media daily for news, engagement, and entertainment across text, audio, images, and video. Schibsted Media has 2,700 employees across Norway, Sweden, Finland and Poland. Founded in 1839 as a small printing business, Schibsted Media has grown into one of the leading media companies in the Nordics. For nearly two centuries, our journalism has informed the public, built communities, held power to account, and strengthened democracy. Our democracies depend on independent journalism. That’s our business.
About Telia
Telia Company (STO: TELIA) is a Nordic and Baltic telecommunications leader and Nordic media house, serving consumers, businesses and public sector customers with essential digital infrastructure, ICT services and entertainment. Our colleagues serve millions of customers every day in one of the world’s most connected regions. We’re the hub in the digital ecosystem, providing 26 million mobile, broadband and TV subscriptions that empower people, companies and societies to stay in touch with everything that matters 24/7/365. Learn more at
About TVM
In Sweden, the TV & Media business comprises the TV4 family of advertising-funded and pay-TV channels, the TV4 Play streaming service, and the Fotbollskanalen and Köket websites. The Finnish operations consist of MTV’s advertising-funded and pay-TV channels, alongside the MTV Katsomo streaming service. TV & Media currently has approximately 1,200 employees across the two countries.
Petter OvanderSchibsted Media, Sverige
Tel:+46 70 268 26 64petter.ovander@schibsted.comImages

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