45 träffarBusiness Law

news aktuell GmbH

GEMA files model action to clarify AI providers‘ remuneration obligations in Europe13.11.2024 11:11:13 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

GEMA is the first collecting society worldwide to file a lawsuit against a provider of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems for the unlicensed use of protected musical works. Specifically, it concerns the US company OpenAI, the autogenerative chatbot systems operator. GEMA accuses OpenAI of reproducing protected song lyrics by German authors without having acquired licenses or paid the authors in question. The aim is to prove that OpenAI systematically uses GEMA's repertoire to train its systems.
news aktuell GmbH

Statement by GfBk regarding uncertainties at the flatexDEGIRO AG Annual General Meeting20.5.2024 08:31:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Kulmbach – To clarify GfBk's position on the agenda items for the Annual General Meeting on June 4, 2024, we would like to make the following fundamental clarification: We support numerous agenda items set by the Executive Board. When we express a contrary opinion, it is from the perspective of a shareholder focusing on the overall well-being of the company and all other shareholders.
news aktuell GmbH

Dr. Reddy's subsidiary betapharm, and Theranica launch Nerivio® in Germany to provide patients with drug-free migraine treatment10.4.2024 11:00:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

The launch in Germany through its step-down subsidiary betapharm marks Dr. Reddy's entry into digital therapeutics in Europe. Nerivio® is the first REN (wearable, FDA-cleared, and CE-marked for acute and/or prevention migraine (with or without aura) treatment for adults and adolescents (≥ 12 years). Nerivio® is worn on the upper arm during treatment and controlled by a smartphone app, making it comfortable and portable. Starting with Germany, followed by Spain and the UK, Dr. Reddy's plans to further increase access to Nerivio® in European countries.
news aktuell GmbH

EU-Member states should agree to EU Due Diligence Directive6.2.2024 12:40:30 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Berlin. The German Institute for Human Rights urges the German Government and all other EU member states to vote in favour of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in the final vote on 9 February. The EU directive is critical to safeguard and protect human rights and the environment in global supply chains. After lengthy negotiations, the CSDDD may now fail due to disagreements within the German Government and other EU member states.
news aktuell GmbH

Allianz puts The Squared Ball in play and launches campaign for financial coaching in women's football6.7.2023 10:00:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Barriers hinder professional careers: Women in professional football face financial uncertainty, with 64 per cent of women stating that financial barriers stopped them from pursuing their athletic passions. Resources for young talent: With The Squared Ball campaign and Allianz Ready Coach financial training initiative, Allianz is shining a light on the challenges faced by female footballers and helping talented young players achieve their goals with confidence and financial know-how.
Swedish Prosecution Authority

Prosecution for complicity in grave war crimes in Sudan11.11.2021 09:39:42 CET | Swedish Prosecution Authority | Pressmeddelande

Today, the prosecutor has decided to indict two representatives of the then named company Lundin Oil AB for complicity in grave war crimes in Sudan from 1999 to 2003. They are suspected of having been complicit in war crimes committed by the then Sudanese regime with the purpose of securing the company’s oil operations in southern Sudan. The prosecutors are available to the media this afternoon.
Lindholmen Science Park

Tolv startups utvalda att samarbeta med sex världsledande svenska industriföretag8.6.2021 07:32:36 CEST | Lindholmen Science Park | Pressmeddelande

Idag presenterar MobilityXlab de tolv startupbolag som valts ut att vara med i skapandet och utvecklandet av framtidens mobilitet tillsammans med sex av Sveriges största industriföretag. Till årets första grupp av utvalda företag har DPella/Sverige, Deep Scenario/Tyskland, IVEX/Belgien, AgeVolt/Slovakien, Chargetrip/Nederländerna, DataTor Lab/Sverige, Emsense/Sverige, Kontrol/Österrike, RadChat/Sverige, Sekai/Malta, Lolo/Sverige och Omen Technologies/Sverige, getts möjligheten efter en omfattande urvalsprocess.
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