Now you can shop for affordable furniture and home furnishing accessories in English on IKEA.se


Until now, IKEA.se has been available in Swedish only. To be truly accessible for the many people, IKEA.se will, from 7 February, also be available in English. 

En skärmavbild av IKEA.se på engelska.

Shopping for furniture and home furnishing solutions can be hard if you don’t know Swedish. We know that some of our customers use a translation service when they shop online, and when we asked our customers visiting IKEA.se, 13 % said an English version of IKEA.se would make it easier to shop at IKEA. 

At IKEA, we constantly want to develop and become better. We listen to customer feedback, and today, we launch an English version of IKEA.se. This will make it easier for non-Swedish-speaking customers in Sweden to shop for affordable products and home furnishing solutions on IKEA.se.


The version launched today primarily focuses on improving the online shopping experience. 

– We want to be more accessible and make it easier for the many people to shop on IKEA.se. This is good news for all our online customers who don’t speak Swedish. Adding an English version to IKEA.se gives us preconditions for English versions of other applications in the future, says Marie Prevolnik, Country E-commerce Integration Manager IKEA Sverige.


Om oss

IKEAs vision är att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna, vilka innefattar våra medarbetare, våra kunder och alla människor vår verksamhet berör. IKEA-produkterna består av rätt kombination av form, funktion, kvalitet, hållbarhet och ett lågt pris – vi kallar det demokratisk design. IKEA grundades i Älmhult 1943. Idag finns 21 IKEA-varuhus, samt ett tiotal planeringsstudios i Sverige. IKEA Sverige hade totalt 163 miljoner besök under verksamhetsåret 2023. I Sverige finns cirka 12 500 medarbetare inom Ingka-koncernen, varav cirka 10 000 inom varuhusorganisationen.


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