Stockholm launches waste service to increase reuse and recycling
Disposing of items for reuse, recycling, and hazardous waste will now get easier in Stockholm - especially for those without a car. The Re-Tour, Returrundan, is a new municipal service where two trucks circulate the city collecting residents’ unwanted items and bulky waste. Upon arrival, a jingle is played to let people know the service arrived in their neighbourhood.
“It has to be easy to reuse and recycle, and to get rid of things correctly, also for those who do not have access to a car. Hopefully, a truck showing up close to a home in Stockholm, playing a jingle, will do the trick. With the Re-Tour, the city is taking further steps towards more reuse and recycling, says Åsa Lindhagen, Vice Mayor for Environment and Climate of Stockholm and leader of The Green Party in the City Council.”
The Re-Tour, Returrundan, will appear throughout Stockholm and stop at 56 different locations with 224 stops. The service will return four times to each location.
“We accept most things that can fit in a typical removal cardboard box. It can be belongings you no longer need but can be of great use to someone else, such as textiles, electronics, or crockery. The Re-Tour will also accept materials for recycling and hazardous waste such as spray cans, nail polish, and paint, says Christian Rockberger, CEO of Stockholm’s water and waste company, Stockholm Vatten och Avfall.”
The premier tour will take place on April 6-7 and visit twelve locations for an hour. The Re-Tour will then visit the rest of Stockholm on Saturdays and Sundays from April to October.
At the Re-Tour, you can dispose:
- Items for reuse
- Metal
- Wood
- Hard plastics/soft plastics
- Cardboard
- Newspapers and books
- Textiles
- Crockery and ceramics
- Flat glass
- Electronics
- Hazardous waste including light sources and batteries
- Remaining waste after sorting the above types of waste (combustible waste)
For further information and to see all locations, visit:
About Stockholm vatten och avfall
Stockholm Vatten och Avfall AB is responsible for the management of Stockholmers’ household waste and other waste; such as electrical, bulky and hazardous waste within the City of Stockholm. This responsibility also includes operating the City’s recycling centres and the mobile recycling station.
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