
Ljusgårda Receives Vinnova Support to Optimize Its Data-Driven Cultivation Method Using AI and Advanced Sensor Technology


In May, Ljusgårda launched a groundbreaking project co-financed by Vinnova, Sweden's innovation agency. The project aims to develop and validate the use of advanced AI/ML and sensor technology to optimize cultivation in controlled ecosystems.

In May, Ljusgårda launched a groundbreaking project co-financed by Vinnova, Sweden's innovation agency. The project aims to develop and validate the use of advanced AI/ML and sensor technology to optimize cultivation in controlled ecosystems. This project represents a significant step forward in strengthening Swedish competitiveness by leveraging cutting-edge technology to challenge current limitations in farming and set new standards that reduce resource consumption. Ljusgårda's solution is deemed to have high commercial potential and significant societal benefits.

Purpose and Goals

The purpose of the project is to explore how AI and advanced sensor technology can be used to improve cultivation through precise analysis and response to plant data signals. The focus is on sustainability and resource efficiency, with the goal of identifying methods that can increase productivity while reducing resource usage.

The project will run until May 2025 and involves the development of a test environment equipped with advanced sensors and technology to enable detailed experiments and tests. In this test environment, we will collect and analyze data from plants and develop AI models that dynamically adjust and control the ecosystem to optimize both growth and resource efficiency.

Expected Effects and Results

Through this project, we hope to increase the efficiency of our controlled cultivation system, reduce resource consumption, and improve environmental impact. In the long term, the ambition is to contribute to a more robust and sustainable global food production.

Contributing to Industry Development Globally

Ljusgårda actively contributes to developing societal benefits for agriculture on a global level. The latest example is their participation in the CEA Footprint Project, led by the Resource Innovation Institute, in collaboration with some of the world's leading growers. Together, we have developed an international framework for producers and stakeholders to evaluate their modern cultivation methods within CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture) in a standardized manner. The project is a milestone in the industry's journey towards sustainability and transparency.




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