Swedish Forest Industries

Comment from SFIF on von der Leyen's second term


The Swedish Forest Industries Federation (SFIF) appreciates the reelected President’s emphasis on boosting the EU's competitiveness alongside a continued dedication to ambitious environmental and climate goals. The SFIF also encourages the Commission to look at the implementation of the EUDR.

"The Swedish Forest Industries welcomes the President’s call to have high environmental and climate targets together with an equal focus on strengthening EU´s competitiveness and its industrial base. The forest industries have a decisive role to play in both areas and we aim at growing the Union’s bioeconomy to contribute considerably", says Viveka Beckeman, Director General of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation (SFIF).

On Friday, the European Parliament re-elected Ursula von der Leyen for a second mandate as President of the European Commission.  Prior to the vote, von der Leyen presented her political Guidelines for the next European Commission 2024-2029. In it she emphasizes that the EU must stay the course on the goals set out in the European Green Deal. Von der Leyen also stresses the need to make business easier and faster - reducing administrative burdens and simplifying implementation.  

“We support von der Leyen´s promise to keep dialogues on implementation of legislation align with realities on the ground. The Swedish Forest Industries encourage the Commission to look at the implementation of the EUDR, which requires more time and needs to be proportionate and cost-efficient", says Viveka Beckeman.

Earlier this year the SFIF launched its input to the EU's 2024 – 2029 Agenda - A greener, stronger EU - which highlights areas in which the sector can contribute. SFIF is determined that a climate neutral, resilient and competitive EU, based on a circular biobased economy sourced from sustainably managed forests, is the best route forward. 




Viveka Beckeman, Director General, Swedish Forest Industries Federation
Viveka Beckeman, Director General, Swedish Forest Industries Federation
Foto: Björn Leijon / Skogsindustrierna
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Photo: Mostphotos
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