28 träffarLaw Firm

The Edelstam Foundation


The National Press Club in Washington has issued a statement demanding the immediate release of journalist Mr. Dawit Isaak, a prisoner of conscience and the world’s longest arbitrarily detained journalist. Mr. Dawit Isaak, the 2024 Edelstam Prize Laureate, has been unlawfully imprisoned since 2001 without trial. He has not been charged with a crime, nor has he been allowed to speak with his lawyer.
news aktuell GmbH

How to halt democracy erosion19.3.2024 08:00:00 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

The quality of democracy in developing and transformation countries has been in steady decline over the past 20 years. The latest findings of the Transformation Index of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, now in its tenth edition, show that out of 137 countries surveyed, only 63 remain democracies, while a majority are classified as autocracies. However, there is reason for hope. The examples of the transformation countries Brazil and Poland, where voters have rebuffed authoritarian trends, show the potential for reversing democratic erosion.
Svenska Parasportförbundet och Paralympiska Kommitté

Uttalande från de nordiska olympiska kommittéerna, paralympiska kommittéerna och idrottsförbunden om den eskalerande ryska aggressionen i Ukraina23.9.2022 16:00:00 CEST | Svenska Parasportförbundet och Paralympiska Kommitté | Pressmeddelande

Ovan nämnda organisationer har idag avslutat en nordisk konferens i Oslo, Norge. I samband med den nordiska idrottskonferensen har deltagarna särskilt diskuterat de pågående utspelen från olika internationella organisationer om att eventuellt låta ryska och belarusiska idrottare med delegater få delta i internationella tävlingar igen. Detta sker samtidigt som den ryska presidenten mobiliserar för ökad militär aggression mot Ukraina.
Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB

Mannheimer Swartling establishes MSA Innovation Lab14.2.2019 14:36:48 CET | Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB | Pressmeddelande

Mannheimer Swartling has established a new business unit, MSA Innovation Lab. The purpose of the unit is to manage the firm’s innovation work and to drive the development of legal advice of the future. Through MSA Innovation Lab, the firm will: Support and collaborate with recently started companies that develop applications for Mannheimer Swartling and the firm's clients through an incubator for start-ups within Legal Tech. Collaborate with leading researchers in digitalisation. Conduct its own development of digital applications that streamline the advice to the firm’s clients. Develop and provide digital platforms to which the firm's clients have access. "The digitalisation of the Law Industry has just begun and we are working actively to stay in the absolute forefront. Our industry is rapidly changing, and in order to cost-effectively assist our clients with the opportunities and challenges they face, we are now taking another step to meet their new and over time changing needs," s
Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB

Mannheimer Swartling appoints Klas Eklund to the firm’s first Senior Economist22.11.2017 14:01:55 CET | Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB | Press Release

Klas Eklund has been appointed as Mannheimer Swartling’s first Senior Economist, starting in the beginning of 2018. Mr Eklund will provide the firm and its clients with strategic advice regarding national and international matters connected to the long-term development of business and the political environment. Mr Eklund will also be an active voice in the public discussion regarding these matters.
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