
Adform and Samba TV partner to propel CTV targeting capabilities in five European markets


//Adform Global// For the first time, Adform’s DSP will leverage Samba TV’s deterministic CTV segments to enable greater audience reach.

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Adform and Samba TV partner to propel CTV targeting capabilities

London, UK - 16 January 2024

Adform, the most powerful and safe media buying platform built for the game changers, and Samba TV, the leading provider of TV technology for audience data and omniscreen measurement, today announce the launch of new CTV targeting capabilities and audience segments on Adform’s DSP. This is the latest innovation and milestone in Adform and Samba TV’s long-standing relationship. The brand new offering will be available on Adform’s platform in Q1 2024 for all of Adform’s buyers in Germany, UK, France, Italy and Spain.

Addressing audience fragmentation remains a top priority for advertisers focused on precise CTV targeting at scale. There is strong demand for comprehensive data to effectively bridge the gaps in shifting viewership behaviour and for sophisticated technology to accurately pinpoint and engage with elusive audiences. This new solution integrates Samba TV’s proprietary first-party CTV data with Adform’s award-winning omnichannel DSP.

Enriched with independent, deterministic, and representative CTV audience data, brands can purchase these segments in Adform’s DSP at any time. This includes unique ‘always-on’ geo audience segments, powered by Samba TV’s proprietary first-party TV viewership data, which advertisers can leverage to optimise ad performance based on geographical location and to deliver more effective CTV campaigns.

The announcement swiftly follows on the heels of the creation of Adform’s new global omnichannel division. Having increased CTV spend by 115% since October 2022, alongside forging a strategic relationship with Disney+, this latest news sees the business further enhance and scale up its CTV offering. Adform is on an even stronger footing to capitalise on the burgeoning growth of this key emerging channel.

Stefan Sommer, SVP Global Sales & Partnerships at Adform said: “Samba TV is a trusted partner of ours, and we’re delighted to expand our efforts as brands prioritise CTV campaign performance. Indeed, it’s the ideal time to offer more robust audience targeting by bringing Samba TV’s deterministic data into our DSP, which will take CTV targeting and performance to the next level, and bring greater value right when advertisers are demanding more out of their spend.”

Ashwin Navin, CEO & Co-Founder at Samba TV comments: “To harness the potential of CTV and address evolving viewership behaviour, brands need powerful data and technology to help them stay in sync with those highly sought after audiences. We’re thrilled to enrich the Adform CTV offering to deliver incremental audience reach for advertisers in the UK and Europe. This partnership underscores our commitment to democratise data that levels the playing field for the open web to innovate and flourish with privacy compliance.”


Press contact UK: 
Bluestripe Group, Fatima Mohamed / +44 (0)7788 511403

About Samba TV
Samba TV has transformed the TV from a pane of glass on the wall to a window into the heart of audiences. We are the global leader in television technology powering real-time insights and audience targeting to enable unparalleled marketing efficiency and effectiveness. Our proprietary first-party data from tens of millions of opted-in televisions, across more than 20 TV brands sold in over one hundred countries, provides advertisers and media companies a unified view of the entire consumer journey. Our independent measurement has future-proofed advertising for the next generation, empowering advertisers to connect with their audiences on any platform, across every screen.

About Adform
Adform is the most powerful and safe media buying platform in the world. With a 20+ year history of delivering service excellence and forward-looking technology, Adform enables major brands, agencies and publishers, to create, buy, and sell digital advertising globally. Having pushed the boundaries through augmented intelligence and an industry-leading identity solution, Adform has consistently changed the game for digital advertisers.


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Adform är den mest kraftfulla och säkra medieköpsplattformen i världen.
Med över 20 års erfarenhet av att leverera exceptionell service och banbrytande teknologiska lösningar möjliggör Adform för stora varumärken, byråer och publicister att skapa, köpa och sälja digital annonsering på en global skala.
Efter att ha tänjt på gränserna genom förstärkt intelligens och en branschledande identitetslösning har Adform konsekvent förändrat spelplanen för digitala annonsörer.

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